Al Muzaini Exchange Company i Al Asimah Governate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitAl Muzaini Exchange Company



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Al-Zahra'a Street, Al Asimah Governate, KW Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 1888 818
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 29.3389416, Longitude: 47.9801824

kommentar 5

  • Fares Al-Fares

    Fares Al-Fares


    foreign exchange or wire transfers.

  • Eng.Sayed Mohamed AlZalzalah

    Eng.Sayed Mohamed AlZalzalah


    I do not recommend it

  • pl

    Vicky Pukal


    WAM, #2 2 ,..

  • en

    Wieslaw Pospula


    I have very bad experience from Watiya Branch. On Thursday 01.05.14 in the evening I asked for 4500 Euro in 500 Euro notes and I was informed that they had only 3500 Euro in this denomination , so I requested 3500 Euro in 500 Euro notes. The employee in the last counter on the right side printed the receipt and I payed by k-net. I handed out the receipt and collected 3500 Euro ( 7 notes of 500). It was dark and crowded so I couldnt see well the details printed on the bill. As I am preparing for travel and very busy in my profession only yesterday I realized that the bill was for 4500 Euro, so effectively I payed 1786 KD for 3500 Euro that means I was cheated for 400 KD during this transaction. I am going today to complain to the company about this event.How it is possible that in the Bank- type institution such things may happen. I should not assume that the person on the other side of the counter is going to cheat me. I am very frustrated by this event and I am warning other customers about such situations Dr Wieslaw Pospula Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon Farwaniya Hospital Tel 99862485

  • Khadija Ali

    Khadija Ali


    Best rates , almost anywhere!

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