Kuwait Finance House i Al Farwaniyah Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitKuwait Finance House



🕗 åbningstider

فرع خيطان، Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2296 2202
internet side: www.kfh.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 29.2953817, Longitude: 47.9676792

kommentar 5

  • Tabish Pawaskar

    Tabish Pawaskar


    Expect your turn at least after a couple of hours....snail speed service ! Dissatisfied and disappointed :(

  • shibil jose

    shibil jose


    A Bank mostly for Kuwaitis

  • Sadiq Ali

    Sadiq Ali


    If you want to deposit. You can spend your whole day here. Good for jobless & homeless ppl ... lol

  • Daniyal Shah

    Daniyal Shah


    KFH stands amongst the best banks in the Middle East and a quick trip to this branch explains why. You will find the most friendly Kuwaitis you have ever met working sincerely to serve their customers. The facilities are good, the service is assuring and the way everything is handled is amazing. You may have to wait really long for your turn but in the end it is worth it.

  • abbas malik

    abbas malik


    The worst customer service ever I have seen in bank they don't care for the customers especially in khaithan baranch I wish to add the pictures unfortunately there is no option to upload picture waiting period of one customer to other is more then 25 minutes

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