Qadsia Sporting Club i Hawally

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitQadsia Sporting Club


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Baghdad Street, Hawally, KW Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2262 1967
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 29.3410357, Longitude: 48.0313809

kommentar 5

  • M. S.K

    M. S.K


    The club is well known and it is in a very busy lively area but in all honesty it needs a lot of renovations and taking care of. It’s dated and almost falling apart on the outside . Places like these should be looked after more so that people of all ages especially sports and theater fans can enjoy them to their max.

  • khaled kamel

    khaled kamel


    Organized place for sports activity for kids and teens, swimming classes monthly fees is 35 KD.

  • en

    Shafi Shafi


    Nice sports club .so neat and clean place

  • en

    Haitham Said


    good spaces and alternatives for playing, but the buildings are old and need a lot of improvements!!

  • sanjeev malhotra

    sanjeev malhotra


    For small sports gathering 's. Parking is the issue, very congested and small place for parking. Stadium is very small , do not have proper amenities. Stands do not have proper seating, wooden planks are very old. It can hurt you and damage your clothes. Stands also have lot of dry mud, which is not good for health.

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