Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium i Al-Ardiya

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KuwaitJaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium


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Jassem Mohammad Al-Kharafi Road, Al-Ardiya, KW Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2227 3338
internet side: jais-kw.com
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Latitude: 29.2713728, Longitude: 47.9187014

kommentar 5

  • jailan shaik

    jailan shaik


    Its good to place to visit me i soo much enjoyed to saw Stadium

  • en

    Ashok Reddy Annapareddy


    Stadium with international standards, good be such a world class infrastructure locally available to encourage sports activities in Kuwait.

  • Ahmed Saber

    Ahmed Saber


    Very beautiful architecture, but the sound system isn't that much good

  • kpg omran

    kpg omran


    Great stadium great infrastructure. But strongly recommended for more facilities around to bring life into and make it more luxurious place.

  • Mohamed Bashir

    Mohamed Bashir


    The most beautiful stadium in Kuwait. It's huge and has all the facilities of a first class international stadium. Ample car parking area is available and easy access to the high way (6th ring road). It is half covered and spectators will enjoy attending football matches at any time here.

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