Made Restro i Al Kuwayt

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KuwaitMade Restro


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Al-Soor Street, Al Kuwayt, KW Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2249 9101
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Latitude: 29.362111, Longitude: 47.979961

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ehab Alshareef


    Good view, low quality food, high prices

  • Ahmed Djent

    Ahmed Djent


    First off i'm gonna start with the view froma bove was Awesome!! place was very cozy and quiet which i love. Food was great serving arabic food of course. Highly recommended for couples.

  • ahmed majed

    ahmed majed


    Great view, good food, good service, not bad prices. people visit this place to enjoy the view of 28 floor where you can see Kuwait city in different way.

  • Ahmad Buhamad

    Ahmad Buhamad


    a waste of a nice view for a restaurant that shoud have nice and luxurious decor and good choices of food

  • Valerie Joyce Domingo

    Valerie Joyce Domingo


    View is amazing given that is situated in the 28th flr. I think they have to do some renovation with the interior design, it looks dull and old. Furniture and fixtures are old. It might look okay at night but not at day time. Menu wise is good. They can add more I bet. But all in all I'm rating it "okay" for now. But they gotta do something to not put the location with the view in waste.

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