Falcon Billiards Lounge i Kuwait City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitFalcon Billiards Lounge


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Block 1, Kuwait City, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 6900 6613
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Latitude: 29.3675213, Longitude: 47.9802688

kommentar 5

  • Anaz Haroon

    Anaz Haroon


    Good place and friendly staff

  • Ema Shah

    Ema Shah


    Its a Nice Place, not bad. Just Needs some stuff

  • josh pv

    josh pv



  • Marko Moudrak

    Marko Moudrak


    Good place if you like pool and billiards. Tables are good and taken care off. No dead rails and spillage. Cues have food tips on, but mostly 20oz although few 19oz as well. Played owner who is into pool himself, had a good few races in 8 & 9 balls. Recomend it

  • Mohammed Jaseem

    Mohammed Jaseem


    One of the best unisex Billiards place in Kuwait. The place is well set up with even distance between tables. It was an amazing experience to be there and learn from professional players in kuwait with complete kit. One can comfortably bring along their female friends to this place with no worries as the staff and crowd is quite descent and respectable. P.S. Do not forget to try the flavoured red bull mixes at the cafe counter :) A must place to visit for all the 8 Ball pool lovers.

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