X-cite by Alghanim Electronics i Kuwait City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitX-cite by Alghanim Electronics



🕗 åbningstider

Baitek Tower Fahad Al Salem Street, Kuwait City 13003, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 1803 535
internet side: www.xcite.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 29.371095, Longitude: 47.974616

kommentar 5

  • Hebah Alhazza

    Hebah Alhazza


    The service is very quick. The location is great but they have parking issue if you want to visit in the morning hours. The store is big and you can find all your requirements.

  • Najibuddeen kunhahamed

    Najibuddeen kunhahamed


    Good and safety electronic itams, mobile, computer,tablats,psp ps24 ,computer accessories and TV, all awailable good offer price quality good customer service and all Outlat good location and parking awailable attend more staff also awailable installment siyatam. Products is quality.

  • en

    Adel Al Azmi


    Some what smaller rhan orher shiw rooms. Parking can be difficult.

  • Naveed Mohammed

    Naveed Mohammed


    One of the largest electronics and home appliances store in kuwait. Always compare the prices with other retailers may be a bit higher or cheaper depends on the promotions

  • Danny K

    Danny K


    Not enough employees. I was looking around waiting for someone to help but they were 4 employees there and all of them were busy. After seeing one of them finished helping a customer, i went up to him and asked for help (he was using his phone) the specific color of the camera i was looking for wasn’t available. And while the employee was helping me, he got a phone call and decided it was a good time to answer and ignore me..

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