Ubon i Kuwait City

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Ali Al-Salem Street, Kuwait City, KW Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2226 0848
internet side: www.ubonkw.com
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Latitude: 29.368057, Longitude: 47.97018

kommentar 5

  • Haneen AlRabeah

    Haneen AlRabeah


    First Thai restaurant I’ve ever been to! Gotta say it had a nice variety of food. I’ve tried the green curry which was better than I imagined! They also offer a very nice green tea.

  • Saud AlSubaie

    Saud AlSubaie


    A very good Thai place. The quality of their food is very good and priced reasonably. The menu has a wide variety of options, I liked the yellow curry the most. Definitely try this place if you want Asian flavors. This is my go to Thai restaurant in Kuwait.

  • en

    Daniele Bartolo Polito


    Very nice place, kind waiters and very tasty food! I'm looking forward to go back! Probably one of the best Tom yam soup I ever had.

  • en

    Sai Gangadhar Devupalli


    One of the few authentic Thai restaurants in the city. Its far from what we get in Thailand but nevertheless this food is close to what we get in Thailand. Expensive. Tasty. Ambience very clean and elegant. Nice outdoor sitting. Cordial staff. Small and quick menu. Tried beef satay , prawns one plate all thai, and cocount & mango shake. All items are good and nice portions sufficient for 2.

  • Cory Archibald

    Cory Archibald


    Fantastic food. It's more expensive than any other place selling Thai food in Kuwait, but it's the only one with authentic Thai food. Service is excellent and the atmosphere is nice. Parking is a bit of a struggle but valet is available around the corner. The lemongrass drink is my favorite, and the mango sticky rice is perfect.

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