Transcrate International Logistics i Kuwait City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitTranscrate International Logistics



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31 Jasim Boodai Street, Kuwait City, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 1804 949
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.372929, Longitude: 47.990113

kommentar 5

  • nawaf al-sariea

    nawaf al-sariea


    When it comes to short/long term storage facilities and solutions, when it comes to local and interntional shipping services and solutions and when it comes to compressive logistics solutions, then Transcrate Co. is the place to visit! Great team, ambitious and driven by the pursuit to quality! Very very very satisfied with the experience of doing business with you guys! You rock! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  • Saud Naji Alzaid

    Saud Naji Alzaid


    Excellent service for all the emergency medical that I needed out of the UK & Canada. They took care of all the paperwork, clearing the items all on the same day from the airport which seemed like an impossibility at the time. The staff were extremely efficient and took care of the details so everything was done beyond my expectations. I can't recommend them enough, Anwar made things easy and I just handed the details over giving him the contact details of the supplier.

  • Ahmed M.AL-Sabah

    Ahmed M.AL-Sabah


    Tried their services..impressed with the professionalism. They took care of what I need for all our moves out of Europe without any headaches, sorting out all the paperwork and verifying it. Making sure it was cleared and smoothly delivered in Kuwait

  • Saud AlZaid

    Saud AlZaid


    Taking care of family shipments from the US, and they handled all the necessary paperwork that was needed. They really made it simple without any headache for me. Transcrate Logistics did the job right and cleared the shipment when it was totally stuck in the airport. Thanks Guys.

  • Marzouq Alghanim

    Marzouq Alghanim


    Amazing Services From A Fantastic Logistics Company. Took Care Of All The Details To Make Sure I Got My Shipment On Time In An Efficient Manner. No Headache & No Fuss.

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