St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church i Hawally

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitSt. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church


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85 Street, Hawally, KW Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 6504 7217
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Latitude: 29.3384112, Longitude: 48.0175952

kommentar 5

  • en



    Hello all, I am a kuwaiti and I wanted to visit the churches in Kuwait I have been to the Catholic Church in the center and I wanted to visit the Orthodox Church so I went to the st marks in Hawally. Upon arrival, unlike the Catholic Church the Security man did not allow me in. I found it bizarre that I'm not allowed into a church in my own country but I'm allowed to go in anywhere else in the world. The attitude of the security was very unfriendly and I'm starting to think that Orthodox Christians are not very open to other communities. This was not a good for someone inquiring on the religion!!! :( I still respect all Christians I hope this will open the opportunity for me to be invited into the church by a regular user. God bless us all! Amen!

  • Hesham Salama

    Hesham Salama


    Great place

  • Haitham Attalla

    Haitham Attalla


    Coptic church in Kuwait

  • Joseph Raphael

    Joseph Raphael


    A beautiful church

  • Ibrahim ayed

    Ibrahim ayed


    A very Beautiful Orthodox Coptic church Good bless every one. Thanks Kuwait's government and people

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