Ryan Car Wash i Kuwait City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitRyan Car Wash



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Kuwait City, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 9877 8080
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Latitude: 29.375859, Longitude: 47.9774053

kommentar 5

  • en

    Haroon Rashid


    Nice place for car wash

  • en

    Bader A


    Very good car wash with free coffee and tea

  • en

    Dr.Abdullah alrashidi


    Good company but expensive

  • mariam ali

    mariam ali


    One of the worst places for car wash in Kuwait. Beware if you are a female and going there for a car wash. Firstly the guy who came to wash the car forced to use some spray bottles inspite of us saying No.very much unmannered and no sense of Custmer Service. Secondly we were asked to Sit in ladies area until car is cleaned and within less than 10mins it got done, when we checked all dust was there inside the car, carpets not moved even just upper plastics were put. We called the supervisor and complaint and he then asked another guy to reclean. Also the guys who had cleaned it earlier kept staring at us and laughing, probably because we were girls! Unfortunately i haven’t had such bad experience in any other car wash in Kuwait. This is worst and I recommend no one to go here.really disappointment by the behaviour of guys cleaning to the over all customer Service!

  • en

    Mohammed Galal


    It's ok

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