Royale Hayat Hospital i Jabriya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitRoyale Hayat Hospital



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5 Street, Jabriya, KW Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2536 0000
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Latitude: 29.3265646, Longitude: 48.026612

kommentar 5

  • en

    Meshlej Al-Khaledi


    Very good building but no parking and few doctors are good It's a five star hospital. I'm fully satisfied with a staff in gynecology department and had a very good experience at the time of delivery there. Staff and doctor was very caring and helpful it's like a home. But pediatric floor is like a Souq and it is very disorganized so hospital should need to improve the hassle of this floor as well.

  • Yaser Sharak

    Yaser Sharak


    One of the top hospitals in Kuwait in offering medical care for women and children. Located in a central location in Jabriah near the fifth ring road. The services offered are a bit pricey!

  • en

    Maryum Umar


    It's a five star hospital. I'm fully satisfied with a staff in gynecology department and had a very good experience at the time of delivery there. Staff and doctor was very caring and helpful it's like a home. But pediatric floor is like a Souq and it is very disorganized so hospital should need to improve the hassle of this floor as well.

  • en

    Wixz Q8


    The best hospital in Kuwait when it comes to luxuriate you feel like in home, they are well organized and they do care about patients. Good reception and contains some shops in the ground level. The last time I went there, I saw a Chinese woman playing a traditional music, I really like how it’s peaceful there.

  • Yousef Al Munayes

    Yousef Al Munayes


    A 5 star hospital with excellent service, but the process to go in and out for a checkup takes too long and a lot can be done to process the payments quicker. Staff is well trained and very helpful. Rooms are big and luxurious if you know how to pick the right room.

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