Prince Tailor for gents i Kuwait City

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KuwaitPrince Tailor for gents



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Kuwait City, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 9403 2813
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Latitude: 29.3719935, Longitude: 47.9782223

kommentar 5

  • Ahmad Aldilaijan

    Ahmad Aldilaijan


    The location isn’t the best, but the service and quality is top-notch.

  • en

    scott morris


    Be specific on your size and feel, but great folks.

  • en

    Gareth Fooks


    quick, good price and nice suit and shirt. ask for the fabric shop and they will give directions

  • Kristopher Bryant

    Kristopher Bryant


    I must admit that my suit does fit me very nice and looks sharp. I also think they did a great job with the sewing and making sure that it fits my body. The only reason I took one star away is communication. When I was going to get my suit done, I had to come back 3 times to downtown for a fitting which they never said anything about. I also was given times to come back that they were not ready to help (such as finishing my suit). I would go back here but hope they do a better job of informing me for fittings and when it will be done. I also had 3 shirts made here and I love them!

  • Kyle Kroskey

    Kyle Kroskey


    Excellent tailors. English and Arabic speaking. Will fit your exact tailoring requirements. Good pricing and friendly staff.

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