Petzone Alrai Megastore i alrai

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KuwaitPetzone Alrai Megastore



🕗 åbningstider

42466, Street 22, alrai, Kuwejt
kontakter telefon: +965 2496 1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.307918, Longitude: 47.937126

kommentar 5

  • A Dashti

    A Dashti


    Nice place have a great amount of bird accessories and food. Although they need to update their website for deliveries. Overall clean nice pet zone.

  • Hebah Alhazza

    Hebah Alhazza


    The place offer great options for pet owners.. food, house keeping items also cages... The store sells some unique birds and offers a dog trimming and washing salon.. try to go there for fun if you don't have a pet.

  • Khalid Alturkait

    Khalid Alturkait


    Well stocked with pet supplies and it's my go to store if I need anything for my dog

  • en

    Mahenaz H.Madanie


    My favourite place for pets shopping for all pets needs, all kind mostly cats, dogs, fishes and birds, and pet saloon also. Well organized and have some unique items and pets as well . Even if u have nothing planned u can go take a tour and get some good ideas for owning a new pet or make something special for the ones u own ;)

  • en

    Gino Rapheal


    I have once visited the place as it is near to my office. Good place for your pet care. I have seen frequent visitors to the place and it is even identified as a landmark in Al Rai area.

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