Pearl lounge قاعه بيرل i Al Farwaniyah Governorate

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KuwaitPearl lounge قاعه بيرل



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Unnamed Road، Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2437 2304
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.2403743, Longitude: 47.971552

kommentar 5

  • Yaser Sharak

    Yaser Sharak


    Very limited buffet and available reading material.

  • en

    Jacob Thomas


    This is the 2nd best lounge in the kuwait Airport. The food selection is just OK, but not to the level of top class. They have a decent selection of drinks, but be aware that no alcohol is served. The seating is not arranged with privacy in mind. The chairs are conformable and have plug points nearby.

  • Vinod Vyas

    Vinod Vyas


    Comfortable, spacious, separate tables for dine-in, children play area, smoking zone, shower facility, good wifi, tables to work equipped with charging points and ipods. Limited options for vegetarians, not clear marking on the dishes and limited magazines. All side tables are having fancy mags. Good reception staff.

  • Youssef Salah

    Youssef Salah



  • M.A. Elmihi

    M.A. Elmihi


    The lounge has basic snacks and refreshments. Clean toilets. Basic service as well. Seating arrangement is poor and uncomfortable. The longer accepts American express cards as well as diners club. Premium visa and master cards moved to another lounge next to gate 5.

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