Oriental Thai Cuisine i Kuwait

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KuwaitOriental Thai Cuisine



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kontakter telefon: +965 2247 0400
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Latitude: 29.3871672, Longitude: 47.9922295

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chakhrit Gasuyee


    This is bast Thai restaurant in Kuwait. Food is taste. Recommended lemon ice tea for upcoming high temperature day in summer. Mango Sticky rice is delicious. 😄

  • en

    Lloyd D'souza


    Located in the heart of Kuwait city, they have one of the most extensive menus for Thai food. Quality is great and there is plenty of seating. During the cooler months the outdoor seating area is great. Prices are reasonable and there is quite a bit of space for free parking available in the vicinity. Any meal I have there usually ends with the mango sticky rice.

  • J G

    J G


    Awesome place. Tasty dishes. Nice ambience. Excellent service. Amble parking space.

  • Merina Pradhan

    Merina Pradhan


    They used to be really good - really spicy tom yum soup and papaya salad. We went there all the time for these two. But when we went again last week, they had changed their tom yum recipe: they used coconut milk instead of lemongrass stock. This completely changed the flavour of the soup! I mean it was decent still, but that i snot the tom yum that we were expecting!! Super disappointed. I would have given 2 stars but based on previous experiences I'm giving it an extra star. The papaya salad was average - there were no peanuts on top of it. He did not give us the tray of peanuts/vinegar/spice/chilies right away, we had to ask for it - which is weird. Did not really enjoy our experience. We will probably go again to make sure that was not a fluke experience. Will keep you posted!

  • Leeann D'Souza

    Leeann D'Souza


    The vegetarian options here are delicious too... It's a very cosy place but when crowded could bother you if you like the restaurant to be really quite with no noisy children around. But that's the case with any place. The vibe is that of a romantic restaurant with ample parking available.

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