Marina Beach i Salmiya

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KuwaitMarina Beach


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Marina Beach, Salmiya, Kuwejt
kontakter telefon: +965
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Latitude: 29.3437046, Longitude: 48.0670207

kommentar 5

  • Vinay Khati

    Vinay Khati


    Very lovely place awesome beach and sunrise and Sun set view is great from there

  • Jeen Jose

    Jeen Jose


    Superb place. The beach is filled with families. Lovely Beach. No Parking space around due to the heavy crowds. One option would be to park in Marina Mall parking and cross the road to the beach.

  • Aditya Sharma

    Aditya Sharma


    Awesome beach view

  • aastha walia

    aastha walia


    Perfect place to begin your mornings with a healthy and fresh morning walk. Marina beach is always at your service whenever you are bored to go anywhere else. Nice place to hangout. It's beautiful and clean with greenery around. The restaurants around doesn't mess with the nature and you can enjoy a great view of Marina from there.

  • Sakina Fakhrudin

    Sakina Fakhrudin


    Have spent my childhood here. One of the first mall in locality to have food court and its situation on beach side earns it extra brownie points. This mall has golden memories of childhood spend here with friends.

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