Harvey Nichols i Al Rai

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitHarvey Nichols



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The Avenues - Grand Avenues, Al Rai, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2228 3008
internet side: alshaya.com
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Latitude: 29.302977, Longitude: 47.938286

kommentar 5

  • Rami saber

    Rami saber


    مركز لبيع الأزياء والعطورات لعدة ماركات

  • en

    Ali Albader


    Harvey Nichols embarked on its sixth international venture with the opening of a store in The Avenues mall, Kuwait, in autumn 2012

  • en

    umar khan



  • Hamads Profrogger

    Hamads Profrogger


    Nice flashy store but really not worthy the trouble if you’re a seasoned shopper that’s been to their other stores. For the local market it’s also rather unimpressive when you’ve got so much selection. Marquee not much more.

  • Nawaf Al-Yahya

    Nawaf Al-Yahya


    A luxurious department store, you can get all what you want. All stores have luxury Foodmarkets and Restaurants, Cafés or Brasseries. Harvey Nichols also owns and operates Restaurant and Brasserie. In addition to this, there are seven large-format stores overseas: two in Turkey (Istanbul and Ankara), one in Riyadh, one in Dubai, two in Hong Kong and one in Kuwait. Harvey Nichols stores offer the ultimate fashion experience. Seen as ‘the place to be’, Harvey Nichols is the club that doesn’t require a membership. Exclusive, niche and established labels sit alongside accessible everyday collections, offering customers the must-have edit for all their wardrobe needs – from everyday to extraordinary.

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