Gita's Hair & Beauty Salon i Salmiya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitGita's Hair & Beauty Salon



🕗 åbningstider

Salmiya, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2563 2554
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Latitude: 29.3314409, Longitude: 48.0608892

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amita Goel


    They ruined my friend's hairs...they provide really bad service for hair color

  • en

    Komal Saraiya


    DO NOT GO HERE IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR HAIR COLOR !! I have been coloring my hair since years and this is the worst possible place I went to! And I had shown exactly what I wanted with pictures and screenshots. I had to go 2 days since they messed up the shade and style I wanted on first day(which I sat for, for 4+ hours) Second day again I had to sit for 4 hours for fixing it. And still after one wash the color from first session was seen which was NOT supposed to happen! I wasted my money and 9+ hours of time and got such bad results! They claim to be professionals but not even close! If its not possible, they should just tell that its not possible instead of ruining someone's hair. I would not recommend this place to anyone for any service. I would have given minus to this place if it was an option.

  • Santhosh Pillai

    Santhosh Pillai


  • en

    HaliQ8 Kuwait


    Not so good, not bad.

  • Wega D' SOUZA

    Wega D' SOUZA


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