Five Guys i Salmiya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitFive Guys



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20004, Salem Al Mubarak Street, 20004, Salmiya, KW Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2227 3606
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Latitude: 29.3338416, Longitude: 48.059998

kommentar 5

  • محمد ال

    محمد ال


    غالي طعم عادي جدا البرجر يخليها تسبح والخبزة ع طول تتقطع بالمختصر لاتستمتع وانت تاكل

  • Marisha Shyla Rodrigues

    Marisha Shyla Rodrigues


    Nice place, good staff but burgers were just ok. Not to our liking and overpriced. The burgers were juicy but you can hardly taste it since their burger buns are huge. They have 15 free toppings - lettuce, onion, peppers, mustard, mayo etc and after my fav selections it tasted more like a subway !! Their fries were not to our liking either.... they don’t have the option to add cheese or bacon to it !!! Don’t get why so many love it !!!

  • Thamer Al-Mutawa

    Thamer Al-Mutawa


    Big place, not crowded. Friendly staff. Burgers taste the same as every branch tender and juicy.

  • Lylah El-Sayed

    Lylah El-Sayed


    Tastes as awesome as the New York location. Open late which is fantastic for us fatties!

  • en

    A Sabbagh


    The burgers are so juicy, quite small patties though. The fries are amazing, the place is so nice and fantastically clean, the staff are so friendly and cheerful. You can park easily beside the place. Recommended!

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