Capago Mena Kuwait i Kuwait-Stadt

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitCapago Mena Kuwait



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Kuwait-Stadt, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2227 0555
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.377351, Longitude: 47.9908119

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edmond Fernandes


    Absolutely the worse service ever, if there was an option for zero stars, I would put that. Its only because there is no other way for french visas that you have to deal with them. Also, its so lousy, the people working there also cannot tell you about the status of your passport nor can they advise properly regarding the paperwork, whatever is mentioned online is just a mock up because apparently their site needs an update and if you want to meet any supervisor, an acting supervisor comes after making you wait for a long time and then too he has absolutely no solution to your problem. The phone lines dont work either to do any follow up.

  • Mark Na

    Mark Na


    Very bad service especially when you call them, there no response

  • en

    De Epicurean


    Absolutely worst service! The token system, missing queue, document processing service makes no sense at all. If for any reason you leave the representatives' desk, even if their fault, you'll have to get a new number and wait for your turn. The personnel have no training and are I'll informed about the processes. Not only did the representative know that I could cancel my visa application with 48 hour notification, but she actually notified me that they do not have that service ANYMORE! However, a quick chat with the supervisor and he clarifies me that I can do it. The issue is, even though it's not my fault, I have to get another token number and wait for my turn. Why?! If your rep had the information requested, I would have finished my work in the first turn and didn't have to go through it all over again. Absolutely terrible service, and worse management.

  • Hussain ALFILI

    Hussain ALFILI


    Very efficient and fast service i would advice to go on the website and check the weekly schedule to know the best time to go for less waiting time. No appointment needed

  • Ahmed Djent

    Ahmed Djent


    Amazing place love the atmosphere and customer service is great and fast. Very friendly staff warm welcome. Love it ❤👍

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