Bravo Royal Hotel Suites i Salmiya

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KuwaitBravo Royal Hotel Suites



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Salmiya Blajat Road, Block 142-Building -019، Salmiya, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2228 0435
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.332389, Longitude: 48.090091

kommentar 5

  • Nayyer Rehman

    Nayyer Rehman


    Nice view awesome place as well and rooms are little small

  • Hasan Almadhoob

    Hasan Almadhoob


    I've stayed there for 3 nights, the rooms were great compared to the competitive price. Sometimes I was not able to find an available car park in the hotel, but the hotel staff were always very helpful and finding quick solutions. The rooms are good but they need a little bit of care and maintenance, most things are in good condition and clean but some stuff needed fixing and replacement, especially in the bathroom. Overall cleanliness is ~90% and the hotel in general in very comfortable and in a good location, I would probably book a room there again on my next visit to Kuwait.

  • Adel Ali

    Adel Ali


    Great location sea view, helpful staff, clean room , good room size, but haven't breakfast .

  • en

    Mila Omont


    The hotel has great rooms and very nice staff, even if they don't speak English. However the rooms are not very clean and even if there is a mini kitchen with hotplates, they don't provide anything. I had to go buy my own pan and ask for a plate and cutlery at the reception... and of course no sponge in the room to clean the dishes. But it stays one of the hotel with the best service in Kuwait (with a reasonable price).

  • en

    Prashant Nagpal


    My fellow travelers beware... Photos on the website are better than the real thing. Although lobby is really beautiful, their cafe was not functional so that was a big issue. Location is great, plenty of restaurants in the vicinity. Rooms are spacious with hot/cold air conditioning. Bathrooms could be slightly better although they were clean with hot and cold water 24X7. Recommend it as a budget stay.

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