Best Al Yousifi Electronics i Kuwait City

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KuwaitBest Al Yousifi Electronics



🕗 åbningstider

Abu Bakr Street, Kuwait City, KW Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2220 2485
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.3630306, Longitude: 47.9641253

kommentar 5

  • en

    Abbas King


    Gr8 electronics very competitive prices and all the choices in the market are available...I highly recommend to check before any electronics purchases

  • en

    Edward John Alamar


    Place is ok but the ones doing ur credit paper are not explaining to u how do they come up with the amount. They will tell u that u will pay this or that amount in blah blah blah months. Then if u calculate, u will come to know that there was a 50% or interest...Items are ok...people are ok...we just hope that they will explain properly the amount of interest or the percentage of interest... i got 1 tv saying cash was 55kd. When i purchased via credit..they told me, i have to pay 13.5kd per month in 6mos!!! If there is an offer, those credit people r not telling us... I just hope that the procedure will be explained properly to customers, that's it... We hope they will listen to this....

  • Ceylon Boy Omar

    Ceylon Boy Omar


    I bought a cellphone, there was a manufacturing defect in the display, I went to the store, they're saying to go to al Nahar and check there. No one is answering the calls I don't recommend this place Better to purchase from Lulu, Xcite or Jarir.

  • rina clerigo

    rina clerigo


    Best place in town if you're looking for electronics gadgets, best price ever!

  • en

    Mohamed Zidan


    Best is a good place for electronic devices shopping. I like also the products of Orca their own brand

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