Wrap It Movers i Kuwait City

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KuwaitWrap It Movers



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Office # 51, Mezzanine Floor, Behbehani Complex,, Sharq, Jaber Al-Mubarak Street, Kuwait City,, Kuwait City, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2247 7575
internet side: www.wrapitmovers.com
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Latitude: 29.38009, Longitude: 47.990748

kommentar 5

  • en

    Iain MacLachlan


    Shaun was amazing and took time to help me out with packaging for a good cause, free of charge. He went totally out of his way, when he could have said no. His service was fantastic and I would recommend them to anyone. Polite, helpful and a total gentleman and his service was perfect. I have used a lot of removal companies and his company have been the best by far!

  • Brandon Adams

    Brandon Adams


    Very professional move crew! They handled all of my household items with care. Nothing was broken during the move or improperly assembled. I'm very impressed and a satisfied customer!

  • en

    Aziz Al-jiran


    I have contacted almost every single shipping company in Kuwait, this company was the most professional in communication, they respond quickly and offered me the best price. I highly recommend.

  • en



    Shaun and Prathibha helped me get my cat safely from Kuwait to London. They are extremely flexible and adaptable, and their pricing is very reasonable. I highly recommend them.

  • Eugenia Rollins

    Eugenia Rollins


    Inquiring minds... I just wanted to take the time out to give my review on the experience I had with Wrap It Movers. I must say they are one of the best here in Kuwait if you are looking for professionalism, good customer services, and someone to take care of your items as if it were their own. Wrap It Movers are the ones to contact and get the job done!! I searched google for the best movers here in Kuwait. I'd come across different moving companies here, and read each and every review on the sites. When I come across Wrap It Movers I felt like some weight was lifted off me as I read the comments. I hadn't come across not ONE negative comment. I knew then that this was the right choice for me. I contacted Shaun and the communication between the two of us was very understanding. Shaun was very professional and fulfilled everything he said he would do regarding my move. I'm very much pleased and would recommend Warp It Movers to anyone looking for great service. Gooooooo Wrap It Movers. You guys rock!!!

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