Ubuy i Al Rai

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Street 30, Al Rai, KW Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2220 4471
internet side: www.ubuy.com.kw
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Latitude: 29.311099, Longitude: 47.938756

kommentar 5

  • Imran Balbale

    Imran Balbale


    Stay away from this store. Absolutely horrible service. Customer service has no clue. Chat agents don't know much about their products. I called them and first lady who answered on English support team simply hung up on me because she could not speak any English! Second time around another lady answered and she barely spoke English and insisted that I get on online chat. Not sure why they have English support at all! Products on this site are over priced. In my case even if I imported that stuff on my own, it would cost me 100KD lesser than what it was on this store. UBuy is just another poorly run business in Kuwait with no regards to customer service. They actually deserve no stars but I can't submit the post without a star!

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    Pradeep Sanjeewa


    Great customer service.

  • Mishal Al Refai

    Mishal Al Refai


    Poor customer service. Delivery time has absolutely no meaning at all. It could say 1 month and still arrive 4 months later. They will not call/email to update you about a package. If youfeel like your package won’t get here, it probably won’t... hard to reach.. ‘fulfilled’ is just a scam.. oh and it’s probably the slowest web page in Kuwait.

  • Fatemah Z

    Fatemah Z


    Great service, fast shipping, accurate descriptions. I've ordered more than 4 times, one of which I had to cancel. The cancellation process was done easily, and a refund was returned to my credit card. Customer support is professional. I also spoke their manager, Ahmad (can't remember the last name), and he was very helpful.

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    Hussain Dashti


    Delivery promised within 24 hours, 5 days later and still nothing. Customer service is ridiculous, you call and leave a message (and surely you will never hear from them)

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