Tiberia Psychology Center i Jabriya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitTiberia Psychology Center



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Mazaya Complex, 10th floor, 4th Ring Road, Block 1A, Building 198, Jabriya 46300, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2226 9330
internet side: www.drtiberia.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 29.322521, Longitude: 48.015317

kommentar 5

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    Rose Madria


    I highly recommend Tiberia Psychology Center to anyone in Kuwait, a well worth profile Doctor.

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    Aurora Fernandez


    Amazing experience! I feel much better after my first visit with the doctor-

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    Stephen Lijek


    I recommend Dr. Tiberia's services to anyone. For those suffering from a psychological problem or suspected problem Dr. Tiberia's use of objective, state-of-the-art testing can provide insight into the specific nature of the issue, if one exists. Correct diagnosis being the first step towards an effective treatment; whether through cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, or - most effectively - both. Dr. Tiberia may help those who want or need to improve personal or professional performance, meet a goal, or to improve quality of life. The "human factor" alone, even in the absence of any defined illnesses, can cause problems for people... and disasters for organizations. I am very satisfied with the care I received from Dr. Tiberia. Through her expertise I gained insight into myself which I had not gotten in 20+ years of counseling and testing. Thank you Dr. Tiberia.

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    marihan K


    I was very fortunate to come across Tiberia Psychological Center. The therapy programs and methods have helped me deal with many hardships. I highly recommend this place; Dr. Tiberia is an excellent therapist and the environment there is friendly and calming.

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    Fatimah Mohammed


    At first I was worried about finding a psychologist online since it was my first time but the website was professional and straightforward which made finding information simple. I was also nervous about calling the center but the assistant explained everything in detail and answered all my doubts so I was able to make an appointment with ease. They also sent reminders for the appointment which was helpful. There was no issue when meeting the Doctor and I was able to receive a lot of help in the one session. I highly recommend Tiberia Psychology Center to all!

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