Maki Restaurant i Kuwait City

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KuwaitMaki Restaurant



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Al-Soor Street, Kuwait City, KW Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2290 1010
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Latitude: 29.362045, Longitude: 47.979719

kommentar 5

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    Sheron Onieka Bennett


    A great time for me, is finding a great restaurant. When I do, I NEVER complain about the cost! I can't tell you what I just paid (because that's not important to me), what I can tell you is, I just fell in love with Maki!! Excellent customer service and OMG delicious sushi!!!! DEFINITELY recommend if you enjoy great dining!

  • Hanan s.

    Hanan s.


    Fusion jap foods. Can’t stop loving this restaurant.

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    Faisal Al-Zankawi


    One of the best japanese restaurants in kuwait, but the prices are waaaaaay expensive, you can find same level japanese resturants in kuwait with much lower prices.

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    Alexandre the not so great


    A gem in the boringness of Kuwait. the "Oliver maki" as well as the "maki-maki" are very good. Presentation is nice. Super place in a small mall next to four seasons. So no need to go eat in four seasons to visit. Go at maki ! Better at a better price ! 😀

  • Khaled AlAnsari

    Khaled AlAnsari


    Maki is a great restaurant with unmatched quality for Japanese food, be sure that you won't find any place to match it. The main problem is the never stopping increase in their menu prices, it's just getting crazy.

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