Kuwait International Airport KWI i jaleeb shuouyk

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KuwaitKuwait International Airport KWI


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jaleeb shuouyk، Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2431 9829
internet side: www.dgca.gov.kw
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Latitude: 29.2404414, Longitude: 47.9710458

kommentar 5

  • Veronica Wagner

    Veronica Wagner


    This airport is a shame for Kuwait. Lack of info panels, unhelpful staff & crowded like more important airports i’ve been through & with a big opportunity to be a jewel in this region. Kuwait: you can do better!

  • Axat Shah

    Axat Shah


    Worst airport ever. Have no timing partiality. The whole staff is using their phones and not answering any questions. Flight is delayed and they dont tell us or not even showing on the screen. The government should do something for this. Never choose connecting flight from kuwait it is worst.

  • Brick Creator

    Brick Creator


    It’s good but needs more stuff like herpa / Starbucks And we are making a new Airport don’t worry I’m Kuwaiti and I’m traveling today

  • en

    Maryam Kaveshgar


    Not a bad Airport. There are some shops mainly for make up and perfume and some chocolates. There are some eateries and places to sit. If you move towards the gates number 10 and 11 you will find some lying down chairs to relax. Toilets are very busy and not very well maintained! Don't forget that there is a washroom right behind Starbucks down the stairs. ;) No activity, absolutely nothing for kids, so be well armed and prepared.

  • Trent Quintero

    Trent Quintero


    The Kuwait airport was pretty neat, it had a lot of nice stores in it and I enjoyed talking to a few college students at the Starbucks. I shopped for some sunglasses and found a brand called Proof in there and I thought it was cool, because some old high school classmates started that brand! I had to ask for directions and the airport workers were nice and helpful even though my Arabic is basically nonexistent, but I try lol. Kuwait has a lot of good people and it's a unique and rewarding experience!

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