Kidz Smile Dental Center i Jabriya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitKidz Smile Dental Center



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Jabriya, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2226 9431
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Latitude: 29.3224649, Longitude: 48.0152274

kommentar 5

  • Dr. Assem Hossameldein

    Dr. Assem Hossameldein



  • en

    Fatima Shibbani


  • Zaid Alshehab

    Zaid Alshehab


    كدز سمايل فعلا لتكون زيارة طبيب الاسنان رحلة جميله افضل عياده للكبار وخصوصا للأطفال لهم مقاقة على الياهل الدكتور يده سريعه يعطون الياهل هدايا يخلونه يحب الزيارة لدكتور الأسنان

  • en

    Samina Zahid


    I took my daughter to kidz smile for 2 yesrs now and im dissatisfied with the service, the doctor is pushy and rude and he does very little to put my child at ease when we go to get any treatment done for her. I'm fed up of these pediatric dentists only interested in making as much money as they can instead of being helpful by suggesting preventative treatments like flouride costing for rest of the teeth after treating the bad ones. Its almost as if they waiting for the deteriration of other teeth and csnnot be bothered with actually helping the patents take care of their kids teeth. Very upset with the pushy 'i know it all' attitude of the dentist whose suppose to specialise in pediatric dentistry.

  • Tayba Ben Naser

    Tayba Ben Naser


    Super long wait to get in. Long wait to just pay!! And the dr is not so professional with the kid

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