American Creativity Academy Girls' Campus i Hawally

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KuwaitAmerican Creativity Academy Girls' Campus


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6, Al Muthanna Street, Hawally, KW Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2261 3493
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.3342991, Longitude: 48.033458

kommentar 5

  • O Von Rothbart

    O Von Rothbart


    One the worst schools I have ever attended in my entire 12 years of my young life IF THERE WAS A ZERO I WOULD RATE IT -5 STAR. I'm a graduate in class of 2010 boys campus and it was a nightmare for an ADHD student with gender dysphoria I constantly had to be quite with the Arrogant Narcissistic Kuwait students who discriminated me for being different. Don't get me started with the education because I actually learned nothing since the school follows strict sharia law academics to limit students from thinking outside Islamic values. The only reason why I made it till high school alive was because of my poor sweet mother who woke me up every school morning for me to get through the day or help me study for tests and bribe these heartless Arabic and Islamic MALE teachers for giving me a passing grade. Since learning Arabic or Islam gets you nowhere in REAL LIFE. They should have replaced Qur'an teachings with Music classes (atleast that's creative in the C of ACA) if you have special needs kids or kids who seem LGBTQ+ do NOT enroll your boys there! I heard the girls campus are also just as hateful. Kuwaities and Nazies go hand in hand

  • شيماء احمد

    شيماء احمد


    ممتاز جدا جدا

  • en

    Lllaa M



  • Fouz Al Roumi

    Fouz Al Roumi


    This is the best school

  • Lahiru Tholkamudali

    Lahiru Tholkamudali


    One of very standard school in kuwait

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