Al Dohama Veterinary Hospital i Al Asimah Governate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KuwaitAl Dohama Veterinary Hospital



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kontakter telefon: +965 2472 2002
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Latitude: 29.3108846, Longitude: 47.9525945

kommentar 5

  • en

    Yas Upton


    Dr. Andro is the best. He’s been treating my cats for years. I don’t trust any other vet with my pets!

  • Mutaz Jabban

    Mutaz Jabban


    The only place i take my cat when sick . Good and acceptable prices.

  • en

    Noura M


    They seriously need to get a new receptionist. He never answers my questions correctly because he barely understands English. His accent is also very thick it's hard to understand. On top of that, he always hangs up the phone on me before I'm finished asking questions.

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    Eid Alabhool


    This place is the worst and everyone knows that! They are cheap in price and service! They lack proper sanitation... they even used a tissue paper to wipe off blood and stuff! They never wash their hands + long fingernails! OMG! On top of that they refused to treat my bleeding cat! It was an emergency and the so called vet said (after throwing my cat outside) 'you are wasting my time!' It's their damn job! Is it not? If you really care about your pet, don't go there please! They will mistreat it! It's just money they care about!

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    Salman Alkhaledi


    Fantastic place to take your pet, it's economically reasonable and doesn't hurt your wallet like other places, I love how they treat my pet, I usually go to doctor J, she's in clinic 3, but all of the staff are fantastic, also cheaper grooming, tho I don't know if the grooming lady is coming back. There was only one staffer that was a bit of a jerk, but something tells me it's because of his low command of the spoken languages. Opening times are peculiar, so make sure you call before you go.

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