Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Center i Salmiya

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KuwaitAbdullah Al Salem Cultural Center



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Salmiya, Kuwait
kontakter telefon: +965 2206 6444
internet side: www.ascckw.com
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Latitude: 29.3437491, Longitude: 48.0413012

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hadeel El-Muzaini


    Nice museum, composed of 6 halls. You can spend a whole day there. Many cafes available serving snacks or light meals. Needs a proper site map for guidance. Some displays require fine tuning. Last admission is one hour before closure time.

  • en

    yousef nawaf


    I expected it to be much bigger from the inside. Contains almost nothing with historical value. Every thing you see is fake. Many educational objects were broken, not taken care of, and out of service. Although it is a new museum, but it feels old and abandoned.

  • suchit kumar

    suchit kumar


    Best place for knowledge. Very clean. Staff extremely cooperative. Highly informative. Wish to visit it once again. Needs a feeding room.

  • en

    Thariq Muneer


    One of a kind Museum.. Need a minimum of 4-5 hrs to complete the museum. Eco system a must watch place..Kids gonna love it.

  • Marisha Shyla Rodrigues

    Marisha Shyla Rodrigues


    Awesome place !!! Must take your children aged 5 and above to see and experience the different museums around .... we were so happy to see the live size fossils, extinct animals, learn ways to save our planet, fact on robotics, science, transportation as well as enjoy the beautiful outdoors. We didn’t have time to visit the space museum but definitely going there again to hear the visuals and read facts on every display and learn more. It’s the biggest and best museum in the Middle East !!!

nærmeste Museum

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